Re: One More thing
Besides kegal's and the machine to tighten your vaginal muscles.. Another 'technique' might be to go to your local pharmacy or 'supply store'.. purchase a syringe (10->20cc)(without the needle).. Go home, fill it with water, insert, and practice holding the water inside of your vagina.. (Its very hard to do and will give your vaginal muscles a work out) AGAIN.. TAKE THE NEEDLE OFF (It unscrews)..before inseting.
I really do appreciate how frustrating and the struggle you feel. Try if you can.. just for a moment, to let go of your 'critical' judgements of 'how things are right now'... "Im incompetent..'but this 'hurts'(loss), etc. <--those are ongoing judgements of yourself..THATS NOT FAIR TO YOU.. Yes, the feelings are important because they tell you 'somethings not right' (thats what our feelings are suppose to do.. make us aware.)... but as you are very aware of, our feelings are effected by SOOOOOO many things and change 100 times a day, depending on what we are thinking, who we encounter, events outside of us etc...
I am asking you for this momment: "NOT to get attached' to this one particular feeling.. it is one of MANY feelings you experience in a day.. You have tons of feelings in the course of a day.. DO NOT JUDGE THEM OR FIX THEM. In other words, 'take a 'mental vacation' from the 'pressure or stress' of your curent physical awareness.. Allow it to be...without judgements or trying to FIX.