Re: Vagina not as tight as it used to be
Well, thank you very much for taking the time to reply in such detail. I do appreciate it. Where does you experience in this matter come from?
RE: Doing correct Kegels: My GYN prescribed a kegel retraining machine that is supposed to actually retrain the vaginal muscles. It's manufactured by Epi. I don't feel that this has helped a great deal. I've done a test on myself by inserting the fingers to feel the muscle conctractions (to see if I'm correctly contracting) I am, but it's not a gripping contraction.
RE: Alum: I assume it is internally safe? I will check out that website-thank you for that suggestion. I'm open to any.
Yes, I can feel the touching of my G-spot. It is very pleasurable. I enjoy the touching very much so. We both have enjoyable sex. We talk, get excited, laugh and over all enjoy....We..have a famous position (missionary) where he straddles me on his knees while pleasuring himself while making contact slightly inside my vagina...I'm also touching myself...I feel great pleasure in this...It's the moment when we finally get the intercourse that I have this overwhelming urge to feel feel myself gripping him more..I feel him in there, it's just not that tight feeling I used to experience. I can contract while he's inside and he responds contracting back-we smile and joke about this...but I can squeeze as hard as I can and not grip him. After we're done, I just flushed, good and pleased,but always have the lingering thoughts of "Why can't it be tighter?" There's got to be a way.
My anxiety level is that of a normal person. I don't feel a lot of pressure in performing. I know we work well together and always please each other. It's only the urge to feel the tightness around his penis that bothers me. I want that old feeling back. You know the "Make it hurt so good" saying....that's what I want to feel again. I want to feel it inside enough to make me not be able to hold back the big moans. I know need it deep and hard to really feel anything. I used to not be able to handle this.
I just feel insufficient as a 27 yr. old woman. I only weigh 110
pounds and am in good health. I can't help but want a quick fix for this after dealing with it for 4 years. I remember having sex for the first time and many months after having my 4 yr. old son...I used to cry in the middle of sex and afterwards, because that feeling that I used to feel wasn't there. I have learned more to accept it now. I have spoken with my close friends and family and they aren't really understanding why I'm experiencing this. My mother had 6 children-I have 2, she has never experienced such a thing. I don't want surgery, but what will I do to get "that feeling" back again??? My husband is understanding. It's not a big issue for him, but it is for me.
Thank you so much for your time and replies. It is so appreciated!