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Re: the dreaded "M"
Wrenn Views: 1,487
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 529,550

Re: the dreaded "M"

sounds fine to me . youare relieving your stress/tension andnot stepping out on your wife.
my only q woudl be are you substitutin gthis in exchange for intimacy with your wife? or jstu as a tension out let?
guys often have higher drives than women / bu tif your wife is about your age/ and kids or other energy drains are no tin force.. maybe youneed grab her a bi tmore often? *smile* cause if sheis in her 30's she is at her sexualdrive peaka boutnow anyhow.. maybe she is doing same thing? and youboth jstu need to get together on it?
but even if you don't.. it sounds liek normal to me/ we livein a very stress/ tension filled society and tha tis a goo dway to relax. esp if not following after with guilt or self conciousness
Ami B.
just please wash up hands after lol !! esp if work in eating palces etc *joking*

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