Hello Lynne I am also doing the fast right now to lose weight. This is the third time I've done this fast for 10 and 7 days respectively. I am currently on day 8 of what I hope will be a 25 day fast. I friend of mine did it for 20 days and her father for 40 with very good results they both were on the heavy side and now they are thin. i also drink the pulp and I think it's very healthy I don't know about the seeds though I would take the big ones out. As far as how many to drink I don't think the number is very important. listen to your body they are meant to be taken to control hunger so take as many as you need-whenever you are hungry. You can however lessen the amount of maple syrup take 1 tbsp instead of 2 with each glass and you will lose weight faster. I also take a bottle of spring water and fill it with lemon juice whenever I go out of the house. It,s great to drink at the gym too it keeps your strength up. I reccomend going to the gym with this diet [sweating helps eliminate the toxins].