Wow...30 days. That is so great. We haven't had anyone go 30 days (that I know of) in a few months, I think. Maybe someone who has gone that long will post.
It's ok to have the pulp and seeds, although it probably would be better if you strained them out - less stuff to digest. But it's not a big deal.
Ropes come from your colon and intestines, stones come from your liver and your gallbladder. Nope, it doesn't hurt at all to pass the stones - the Epsom Salts you drink open up your bile ducts for pain-free passing. Some people recommend (and I do this) to drink organic apple juice for several days (or at the very least, the day of) before the flush - the malic acid softens the stones - they're like waxy, squishy little things. No pain!