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Re: Day 9 ...please help with minor questions..
hopinso Views: 1,126
Published: 22 y
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Re: Day 9 ...please help with minor questions..

I strained out the pulp, but its a personal decision. Drink at least six drinks everyday. You need the minerals and nutrients, especially if you are going to do an extended fast. You can cut the amount of syrup some, but you need enough to provide energy and minerals. I done three fasts of 10, 12, and 9 days, so I can't help with the 30 day question.
The Liver Flush is separate from Master Cleanse. Although I believe it is very important, its optional. You don't want to jump into too much at one time. It can be overwhelming. Yet to answer your question, the stones are passed through the bowels. It doesn't hurt at all. Some people do experience nausea with the flush.
If this is your first fast, may I make a suggestion? Try doing Master-Cleanse for 10 days, then do a liver flush, then do a two week Colon Cleanse while you practice healthy eating habits. After two weeks do another liver flush. At this point your body will be much cleaner and better able to process toxins released during a long fast. This may be the time to try for 30 days.
I don't want to discourage you, a number a people have gone on long fasts the first time. However Master Cleanse is hard work for the body. Take one day at a time and see how far you think you can go. There will be someone to support you all the way.


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