Music to my ears...
Good to hear your analysis. I am not musically trained. So my wording is not as accurate as need be.
I was in noway assuming the 'modern' scales in any form. Is that the 'Pentatonic' you refer to? i like the 3-6-9 inference.
I just know that their were 12 'individual' tones, and 12 separate instruments used that had their individual sound characteristics. If I am to have 12 musicians playing the said instruments they must sing something....
I DEFINITELY agree with modern music creating that 'boxed in' feeling. I call it 'caged like a rat'.
Its amazing what a group of Ainu can do with simple 'mouth harps', and polytonic throat singing. You can 'see' visions of ancestors dancing with you....
Nice to hear a another diverse mind in the wind (Tesla, Pythagoras, etc).
What are all the Sanskrit 'syllables' used for the mantras???