19 y
Re: Loss of Curve in Neck-Need Advice
We are in the Phoenix area.
Since posting, I have read about the Alexander Method and the Egoscue Therapy that is offered out this way. Both seem to be rather good.
It is true that the chiropractor will be intergrating physical therapy into the treatment, but I wonder if it's the same as the education that Alexander, Egoscue, and Dorn do.
It really makes more since to me when tackeling a problem with the body, to look at the complete picture. God made everything to work together. So i question whenever one area is isolated and worked on.
I would hate for us to go through a complete treatment investing considerable time, money, and energery just to hear sometime down the road that the problem they thought they were correcting wasn't the root problem in the first place. Or maybe it was, but something anywhere between standing and sleeping was not proper and that is what caused the problem.
I agree with the stress statement in the previous post. We have suspected that factor for some time now, that and some allegeric reactions to certain foods. We realized that things like pinapple cause kanka sores in the mouth, and it seems that shortly thereafter, the back/neck pain comes again. Inflammation? But what about the x-rays then?
I'm full of questions right now.