Hi #68447,
My husband nearly went through the Chirpractic approach. In fact he still may, but let me update what has taken place these last 6 mos.
The chripractic care was not covered by our insurace, they only cover 12 visits with an in doctor, no more than that. We could have switched when our daughter was born, but the best program out there was 24 visits I think. But by that time we found something that worked.
I had researched the Alexander Method and emailed a few people in the city that practice this method. I was curious as to whether it would work for him or not. By one of the instructors on this method, it was recommended that we try out the Egoscue method (which is very close to the Alexander).
Willing to try anything safe at this point, I placed his books on loan at our library. "Pain Free", "Pain Free at the PC" and for myself "Pain Free for Women" (I figured it couldn't hurt). They are by Pete Egoscue. (by the way buy.com has them the cheapest on the web)
I read the Pain Free at the PC and it seemed to make all the sence that I needed to advice him to try these before anything else. What they are are basic exercises that strengthen all different parts of your body in a bilateral sequence. The body is bilateral so we should work it that way, 2 arms, 2 legs, etc. The overall statement of the method is "muscles move the bones" so if you tell your muscles how to properly sit, stand, etc your bones will therefore react.
My husband has been doing these exerceses for about 20 minutes a day now for 5 months and, praise the Lord, hasn't had any major problems with his neck since then. There are a few days that he misses his exercises and may start to feel the pain coming back, as long has he takes an immediate break and go through the exercise routine, the pain stops and he feels great.
we went back to our naturalpathic chrirpractor and brought this up to him. He explained that they do work. But if there is ever a time when he feels or tells that his body is in misallignment (he gave him some tests to do to determine this) the fastest approache is to get cracked again. So rather than a few hundered visits, maybe just a handful throughout the year. And it is totally managable through the exercises.
I strongly recommend to get at least the Pain Free at the PC book, even if you don't use the computer too much. It's an easy read, probably in a day or 2 you could read it all and start the program. They also have a website and clinics in cities around the US you may be interested in, they cost money and are not covered by insurance though.
I am so grateful for the person who recommened the book to us, I strongly recommend it as well.