I can relate. I've had that pain in the back radiating down my legs. The only position that brought any relief was upside down, not much relief either. Acupuncture has been known to be helpful, but expensive. What I found worked for me is related to acupuncture (the same points on the body) but instead of using needles you just tap on the points with fingers as you focus on the pain ie mind/body connection. The name of the therapy is called EFT and you can learn how to do it yourself at emofree.com. The tutorial is a free 80 page download. If you are in hurry to get relief I teach EFT over the phone for a nominal fee and usually have people getting relief in under ten minutes. It sounds hard to believe but this therapy works when nothing else will. So far 90% of the people who I have taught EFT to for acute pain have experienced relief. Call me if you want to skip the tutorial. Either way please try EFT. It is one of the most effective pain relief therapies I have ever seen.
Health Blessings
Steve Levine
Advanced EFT