Not too long ago it was discussed on the
Colon Cleanse forum. You could start with a coloncleanse like
Oxypowder .com">http://www.
Oxypowder .com and also liverflushing.
Liverflushing is cheap and if you don't want to spend money on
Oxypowder , you can try a 3 week
Epsom Salt cleanse. 1 tsp in a glass of water when you get up in the morning. Also drink enough and start with warm water in the morning.
Any treatment like on the new forum federkraiz (sp?) will cost money, like accupuncture and chiropractic they always have you go many times and even if you have insurance they would not pay for it.
Having good working bowels will take a lot of pressure off.
Of course improving lifestyle becomes important too, this link is from
Andreas Moritz , also check if there is anything on his website under healthinfo
BTW my legs are uneven too. And my lower backpain is because I have spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spine). I have done a lot of different treatments, but it will never go completely away. I do eexercise to improve the muscles in my legs etc.