Re: Wounded puppy
Tracey! Sounds like you too are undergoing some transformations.
Feel inadequate to offer solutions, but allow me to make some observations. The setting, youre in bed, an intimate place. A place where one goes to rejuvinate, relax, refresh and often reflect. Youre accompanied by immature animals, a kitten on your left and a puppy on your right. Their placement seems correct for the male and female aspects. The female side is warm, cozy and comfortable. The male side is hurt, wounded and inconsolable, for you are aware of its pain and trying to comfort it. Instead of accepting your concern, it rejects it. You see what is causing the wound and realise it has to do with parental beliefs from your childhood. (This theme is carried out by the age of the animals, and the size of the puppys hand.)The puppys attitude is one that reminds me of times during my adolesence, when I seemed to wallow in my pain, not wanting anyone to understand, comfort, or help me. You too sense this with your resignation, if the puppy wants to die... or perhaps you know that within death there is rebirth... The walk through the bog (do they have those in Scottland?)seems to indicate your focus. Looking at the loss, and all the accompaning (yucky) feelings. Yet you know you are strong enough to hack it. (Sounds like you may have been here before.)
From what Ive been going through, it seems like you may need a change of perspective. Looking at the same old wounds, under the same old light, with the same feelings you always have, well, it just perpetuates it.
From my Staked Tree dream I realised I was afraid of not being
"grounded", of dipping my toes back into "occult" type things and ending up in a "nut hut". Then I realised that BECAUSE of that experience, I gained what I needed to keep my feet on the ground.
My weakness had become my strength.
I too think you should take it easy and go slow. I wouldn't go off climbing to any precarious heights at the first chance I got,
but then, that's me.
Love Marj