Re: Invitation on knowledge of ratio omega 3:6:9
For the record, Erasmus is high on something if he thinks "pets" require the same ratio of LNA/LA as humans, and I'd love to tell him so personally and have him support a vague conclusion with virtually no basis in common sense or reality. I like a lot of his work, but some of it is pretty sloppy and grossly overextrapolative, to be honest.
Carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores have very different EFA needs, and it even varies within the three individual groups, and quite substantially.
Also, it is pretty much futile for most folks to worry too much about a specific oil having "the ideal" balance. That would be much more important if all we consumed was a given oil, but in the real world, the best we're ever gonna do is to be in the ballpark. And raw foods, even seemingly identical ones, will vary greatly in what nutrient values and EFA content they contain is.
Flax seed oil is good stuff. And most folks, here in the Good Ole'U.S.A. anyway, get far too much saturated, hydrogenated, crap in their diets and will benefit greatly from a little flax being included.
Also, Udo would do well to drop the Sunflower oil altogether, and boost the Rice Bran Oil in the mix, because to really get the benefits of the Gamma Oryzanol, a few milliliters of RBO is pretty much a waste, sort of like taking 1/10th of an asprin to fight a headache. Makes for good marketing hype though.