you accused him of doing plant enhancements way wrong
believe me nothing could be farther from the truth lol !
i would dearly love to know wHY you possibly chose to label him like that?
have you read any of his posts serioously?
if you did, you would have half a clue as to what this man is about.. instead of picking slander form the sky in the name of righteousness.
I'm sorry but i had to step in here.. even tho anyone that knows Lapis/ knows he needs no defense.
you have shown a complete lack of knowledge to grab at such ridiculous name callign straws.. about someone that you have no idea where he is comming from..
if you did, you would see the ridiculousness of the inference
you made concerning him...
i cannot begin to understand how in teh world you ever came across tha t concept of Lapis...
too funny
Ami Joi Benton