Boldy if I were you I would like the parasite cleanse
too, you had a whole menagerie living in your body.
I am so brainwashed by this site, that I now have the feeling something is in my right ear. It feels like warm air or a hair or something. Or a fly.
Are you going to tell me that this is
parasite related. I finally did the month of dewormer from the barefoot herbalist and I did not have this before. I did not see parasites.
Also it is like I feel my gallbladder/liver, while I did not have that before.
My ear is a funny feeling even like water in your ear. I must say I have been swimming with this warm weather.
It seems every time I try different things, away from Andreas, I get something new.
When we still had Ask Shelly I did a lot what she suggested, other people got better and I got worse. I should keep it simple, but we always are afraid we miss something good.