Re: red/orange stuff - flukes?
Hi Candida Newbie,
those orange and red thingies are Flukes- I see them too- though not lately.
My liver hurt as well about a month ago-- not excruciating, but a dull pain.
Seems the flukes migrate to the liver alot. Probably why they're called liver fluke.
The anti-
parasite herbs may be driving them into the liver.
I would suggest do a liver cleanse (the type with the
Epsom Salts that Dr.
Hulda Clark mentions on the Cleansing link)
I would start doing some
Colon Cleanses throughout the times you do the
parasite cleanses. You dont have to wait to do a colon cleanse.
That will push out many a fluke and fluke egg.
you've been taking
parasite killer herbs, so Id say your ready for a liver flush.
Follow the instructions- it's cheap and easy. You may drink water in between your
Epsom Salt drinks-- even though Dr.
Hulda Clark said not to. Just drink water spaced away from the drinks so as not to dilute them. The last thing you will be drinking the night of the
Liver Flush is the fresh squeezed raw grapefruit mixed in olive oil.
Add some
Black-Walnut tincture or emptied capsule into that mixture.
The next morning
you will be dumping tons of little green stones and various things into the toilet and dont be surprised if you see one or two more dead red orangy flukes in the toilet bowl with the stones.
Black-Walnut you mixed in with the grapefruit drink/olive oil will kill any migrating flukes directly in the liver. the
Epsom Salts keeps the "door open" so that these can be flushed out with the stones.
Liver Flush should always be done after you parasite cleanse and will get the stray worms that rush there plus heal your liver tremendously.
Alot of folks in the liverflush forum couldnt believe how they're allergies they suffered with all thier lives left permanently after even just one liverflush!