Jozefine and Hanna, etc..-- have any info on this for us?
Hmm, these are important questions.
First off- thanks also to Hanna for her good links about this! I would definitely re-post this same question over at the
Ask Andreas Forum as well as the Ask the Barefoot Herbalist forum too. Andreas answers as soon as he can- and so does the Barefoot Herbalist.
I would think -- unless im wrong on this- that you may try using coconut oil instead of olive oil for the flushes. I know Coconut Oil is veryy good for you and for your liver too. It is one of the few oils- if not the only one- that doesnt turn toxic when used in cooking, either.
Olive Oil- as good as it is, does turn toxic when heated at certain temperatures.
Andreas or the Barefoot Herbalist would definitely be able to tell you for sure what oil or not to use.
I know that if you are seeing dead flukes in your bowels, that something is driving them out- and they arent too comfy in your body at this point- which is a good thing.
Did you know that Cloves are known to kill baby flukes and fluke eggs? Incorporate that into your plan also. Flukes are like rabbits, they propogate fast-but are easy to rid as well-
You are doing good by these flushes and cleanses- including
colonic before the liverf lush- so that is good. That will flush alot out- and depending on how many you have in you-- these cleanses certainly discourage these flukes from building up thier population in you.
Ideally a human is supposed to have 2-3 bowel movements a day. When we eat an ideal diet of whole unprocessed foods, with not too much meat or cheese if at all-- we do tend to get more bowel movements. This is the state we should be in -- and having 2-3 bowel movements without taking any herbs to encourage this- but just eating the right way , will discourage the flukes from taking over in itself.
The typical American diet only encourages intestinal parasites. Thank God for herbs to help a sick body that allowed itself to get that way. Shows us how cool God is to provide these medicinal plants for us humans.
As for the liver flushes-- many people have had problems when they're body needed extra electrolytes -and they didnt give themselves enough before the flush or after. Some people have conditions where they're body is always low in Electrolytes too. raw Fruit juices about 30 or more minutes after the last
Epsom Salt drink the following day helps replace this-- as well as a pinch of
Sea Salt afterwards and some apple cidar vinegar helps a person after a flush.
Many got sick when they didnt eat at all before the flush either-- or ate meats, bacon, cheese, etc. then by 2:00 started their flush protocol
You have to eat only light foods -- but eat plenty of fruits- raw apples, raw juices., grains, honey in teas, no limit- just nothing animal based and heavy. No heavy creams.
Apple juice is also reccomended the morning of the flush. The apple pectin encourages more stones to come out later.
after 2:00 stop, but still continue to drink water throughout the day to hydrate yourself between the
Epsom Salt drinks.. This will help especially in hot weather for proper hydration!
Also, when I drank water throughout my last liver flushes, I got out way more stones than the first flushes when i didnt do that.
People also got sick during the flush because they didnt do any
parasite cleanses beforehand.