to msully
hello, glad that you are here, there are many here that are willing to help you if they can. All of us have been where you are now, kinda scared of what might come out of us. Afraid to start
parasite cleansing by knew that we needed to get started.
I have never had a
parasite come out alive. Some
parasites are inside of the stools, some lay along the outside, and if I do an enema just
parasites come out, the larger ascaris,(no they don't dangle out, they plop to the bottom of the toilet), then stool later. They are always dead.
You really need to get started
parasite cleansing, even tho you don't have bad health now these things can make you very sick.
You won't even notice if you don't look. I look because I want to know which herbs are working for me and which ones aren't. But I didn't look at first. Usually there are only seeds at first, then flukes, which are really small. Then you will pass some worms.
Depends on how long you have had them as to how big they will be.
It is not common for a parasite to come out your nose, my sister had a sinus problem at the time. And it has cleared up since the parasite came out.
Believe me you want these things OUT of your body, no matter how much you hate the thought of seeing them. One female can lay 5,000 to 200,00 eggs each day, that is a lot of worms inside of you if you don't start killing them NOW.
There are many different products on the market, the cheapest is hanna kroeger's
Wormwood combo pills, $10.00 a bottle, some health food store have it or the web site is, or if you go to a health food store, these herbs are always by the
Colon Cleanse products, you don't have to ask where they are at.
I am not sure which worms came out of you. But the three main herbs kill most of them (black walnut,
Wormwood and clove)
There is plenty of reading on line about parasites. One good site is and this site also.
Hope I helped a little...heyjude