Do you eat, drink.......
My opinion is based on the
parasite books and web sites I have read. Hulda herself says the cure for all deseases, Valerie Saxion's(she's a doctor) book Every Body Has Parasites, if you eat, drink, walk barefoot outside, or have been in close contact with another(including pets) that has parasites, then your body has them also. Valerie did a test asking all of her office staff to go on
parasite herbs and report back to her the results(these were not sick people)hmmmmmm yep, they all reported back having
parasites and were very thankful she had them on the cleanse, she now puts everyone of her patients on a
parasite cleanse. Other books and web pages state that in one piece of meat there can be over 2000 parasite eggs. One human can be infested with over 100
parasites at a time. There is great information out there on human parasites, we must read all we can and educate ourselves.
As far as Labs reporting
parasites in humans, Hulda herself states that there are only 2 labs in the United States that actually know how to check stool samples properly. The man that started The Great Smokies lab(one of Hulda's Labs) has written a book about ph balance and talks often about parasites in his book.
I DO believe that every human has parasites from my readings, some have stronger immune systems and do not develope a parasite problem.(from all my readings) All humans at one time or another have parasites, the lucky ones that have a strong immune system fight off the parasites, they die and leave their bodies without any harm done. Valerie Saxion feels everyone would benefit from doing a parasite cleanse. Most humans do not notice parasites in their stools, especially flukes.
I do not state my opinion from one source, I have been reading anything I can get my hands on for the past two years. When book after book (from different authors) state the same thing as another concering parasites I tend to believe these wonderful people that have devoted their lives to finding the reason so many of us are sick, the actual cause, and offer a cure. Unlike the medical community that only gives us pills to cover up the symptoms and never tries to find the cause, the reason we are sick.
I had two doctors send in my stool samples to two different labs, I had been on parasite herbs and made sure it was at full moon time when I did these samples, my stools were full of parasites webs/many eggs and I even placed a 6 to 8
inch Ascaris in each stool tube, both came back negative. This tells me that Hulda is right in saying that most labs do not know how to detect parasites in stool samples.
Those that have an immune system strong enough to fight off parasites have been very blessed. I do think that we all EAT, DRINK, walk bare foot outside and have been in contact with an animal or human that has parasites. Educate yourself by reading books from doctors and others that have devoted their lives so that we may all be healthy......heyjude