to j516
I have used many different products over the last two years. For a while now I have been using hanna kroeger's
Wormwood pills, it has
Black-Walnut ,
Wormwood , quassia, clove and male fern. This product works well for me and it cost around $10.00 a bottle. She also sells one called rascal, for tapeworm, also around $10.00.
Her web site is my local health food store sells it also, so you might want to check with your local health food store.
I get even GREATER results when I add ONE of these with the
Wormwood combo, elecampane, pomegranate, bee propolis or L- Cysteine. Bee propolis and L-cysteine work best for me getting out the ascaris. The elecampane and pomegranate get out tons and tons of tan worms. I switch these extra pills each month, just so that the
parasites don't get use to one, this month I am taking pomegranate.
The herb senna helps constipation, if I can be at home I take two, if not I only take one, this also helps to expel parasites.
Hope this helps a little, maybe someone else will have some ideas also....heyjude