It will clean out your colon. Most people prefer Oxypowder because it's a capsule. Colosan is a powder and you need to drink a bit of lemon juice with each serving. Yuck!
"I should receive the parasite products in a few days. Why do the colon clense before parasite cleanse?. How about ---do the Colon Cleanse 4 days before the parasite cleanse and then during for the duration of 30 days on parasite cleanse.? Total of 34 days or is that too long.???"
You need to do the Colon Cleanse first because you need your sewage system to be cleaned out before you start dumping a bunch of toxins into it. I learned this the hard way when I did a lymphatic detox before ever doing a colon cleanse. If I were you I would do the Oxypowder for at least a few weeks and then jump into the parasite cleanse followed by the kidney cleanse. No need to rush anything. And stay on the Oxypowder throughout all of your cleanses.