And what is the real issue one say yes one says no. Their son will no doubt grow up healthy and become a man. Whether he is circumcised or not. If you were taking away from him to where he was no longer a male then I might cry fowl too. This is a routine proceedure and PROPERLY carried out will have no problems.
Let him be a happy child either way. all this fussing over over a minute issue will create a psycological isssues for him later to contend with. Quit crying over spilled milk wipe it up and go on.
The only thing I really see barbaric in the world is the crazy wars we fight for ignorant things. Barbaric is the cruel conditions some children and families have to live with in other countries. Think when lives are scarificed to justify some dictators own pride.
Let us all focus on trying to make the world a better place for evryone to enjoy the freedoms that we have.
One final question does circumcision make the child any less of a boy?