Hey I am very much opposed to baby circumcision and even if you read my posts half ass you would know that. I carefully worded my posts to show respect to both sides on the baby circumcision issue.Certainly most mothers who have their babies circumcised want the best for their baby boys and are not part of some huge pro circumcision crusade. I tried to be moderate in my posts and head off fanatics from both sides on this issue. So you drop all your loaded adjective quotes how terrible graphically terribel baby circumcision is. Hey I know that and many new moms arelearning that too . Being anti baby circumcision is not a religious cult issue with me but rather a well reasoned thought out intellectual issue too. So yes within that context I reach out to the average well meaning Mommie who had her baby boy circumcised and say I understand .Heck am I to give these well meaning moms your adjective condemnation when the majority of them simply cared for their sons so much. Hey these good mommies are not rocket circumcision specialists so damn it loosen on them and me. Love.