Re: Questions on the tithe
That is very true. There are hardworking ministers out there that deserve to make a living. I don't doubt that, nor do I doubt the validity of that.
I just have questions..
1. People coming for counselling, should they not pay an honorarium? Something even conditioned to their income?
I am somewhat jaded, because of the prosperity teachings, the ministers who are living "high on the hog" with my money.
Shouldn't that money be divided up for the folks who need it? (hurricane victims, widows, underprivaleged folks, etc.)
For example, (I'll probably get flack for this) but I have a weekly ministry that takes me most of the week to coordinate and on top of that some weeks teach sunday school that takes most of the week to coordinate. I work full time, have a family and I don't get work for my ministry. Pastors don't have to have the sole responsibility of visiting people, deacons and deaconesses can visit people too!
Church doesn't even have to be in a seperate building, it could be in someone's home or a community hall.
I don't doubt that pastors/ministers deserve income. What I do doubt is the management of the money.