Gospel Outreach
Hi Eileen!
Thanks for your words of encouragement -- they mean a great deal to me! I have great respect for you and I always enjoy hearing from you. I believe you and I have been led down similar paths in our pursuit of Truth. I respect that you are willing to prayerfully and Biblically consider vital issues that confront us.
Alistair Begg is one of my favorite preachers. He is a Rock solid Bible teacher. I am so thankful that you are familiar with him. I hope you can find some time to listen to these teachings on the Doctrine of Providence – they are excellent! Alistair Begg, like Martyn Lloyd-Jones, preaches Jesus Christ, and Him crucified. I have earnestly studied with many different groups and without a doubt, the most important issue to me is just that -- Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
I saw somewhere that you are now studying the Sabbath. When I have more time I will have to share more of my experiences with this issue with you. For a significant amount of time I earnestly worshiped with a group of Sabbath keepers. The group I worshiped with placed more FAR more emphasis on the Sabbath and Sabbath-keeping ‘do’s and don’ts’, than they did on the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ itself. Beware of this subtle, dangerous snare. I understand that not all Sabbath keeping groups are like this.
The site below is that of a former Saturday Sabbath keeper. It is an excellent site and I am in agreement with much of what he has put together.
Beware of peripheral issues and rabbit trails that lead people away from the glorious Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Thanks again for your words of encouragement and may God bless you as you study His Word!!!
Gospel Outreach Ministries