I have a friend, a fairly new Christian, who asked me this question and I had no answer for it. Before she was a Christian she was pre-law, she says with an atternoys mind she just cannot fathom this and wonders how God looks at it. She says intuitively she knows God does not cause the evil, but doesn't understand why He would allow it when is all powerful. She was raped many times as a teenager by her uncle.
She portrayed to being in a courtroom, the Man in the chair asked "You saw the rape yes?" Yes, I saw the rape. "You could have stopped it right? It wasn't you doing it but you allowed it?" Yes.
In a courtroom that would make the person accessory to rape, but we know God of course is not, but I had no idea how to comfort or help her. I prayed for the words, but I guess because I had no wisdom in myself in this sort of matter no words came. I'm curious if anyone else might have some insight...