This is meant to be a gallbladder surgery SUPPORT forum Blueduck.
Not a DEBATE forum.
Now, you state diarrhoea is a problem with gallbladder surgery. If you have to resort to incorrect information (we'll assume you aren't deliberately lying for the moment) your case must be shaky. As you can see from those people who have had gallbladder surgery (and who better to ask) diarrhoea is not a particular problem.
If gallbladder surgery is motivated by financial gain (and remember the alternative sickness industry makes more money than all the drug companies combined) then countries that have a National Health Service won't do many cholecystectomies? Wrong again i'm afraid.
There are treatments that can dissolve gallstones. Why don't do doctors use these treatments, because then when the stones inevitably recurred they would get another fee? Hmmm, tricky one - maybe its because they want to give their patients the best possible treatment?