Re: Just had a severe attack
What you are talking about there is Lithotripsy and that's done to remove Kidney stones, my boyfriend did that treatment two times to get rid of his Kidney stones, he hasn't had them since, he said that it was very painful to pass. I on the other hand had Gallstones, so I removed my Gallbladder not only cause of the stones which were only a few, but just because it was severely infected. I am only 22, so I decided on what I thought was best for me. Anyways, just wanted to know how are you doing Smore? I am doing absolutely wonderful, have been real busy with work and other stuff lately, but decided to stop by and read the forum, I would comment on certain ones that I have read, but they're not worth responding to. I hope you are doing well take care.
What you are talking about there is Lithotripsy and that's usually done to remove Kidney stones, my boyfriend did that treatment two times to get rid of his Kidney stones, he hasn't had them since. I on the other hand had Gallstones, so I removed my Gallbladder not only cause of the stones which were only a few, but just because it was severely infected. I am only 22, so I decided on what I thought was best for me. Anyways, just wanted to know how are you doing Smore? I am doing absolutely wonderful, have been real busy with work and other stuff lately, but decided to stop by and read the forum, I would comment on certain ones that I have read, but they're not worth responding to. I hope you are doing well take care.