My job wants me to get the surgery out of the way and the doctor has me for surgery on thursday I am about to back out of it. They only pushing me so I do not take any more time off of work because of a different surgery I had. I do not want to be out again I already been out for 6 months. The doctor wants gallbladder surgery for same day surgury.Why it sound so complicated is it? My boss had it done she was in the hospital a total of three. The doctor said I need to be relax for 10 days after the surgery. How long did it take you? My sister and friend said do not do it. If your not in any pain. I had on and off pains and did not know what it was. Thought it to be gas reflux so the doctor said and had same day surgury for ulcer and found out it was not. I did that for nothing. I was out of there in 2 hours. This sounds fearful getting the gallbladder out. How was your surgury? Was it through your belly button? Was there any more cuts? How fast did you recover? Please let me know if you did flushing before you wanted to have surgury. Did you try tincture herb, chinese remedies Like Gold Coin , coptis, or chinese bitters. Did you do other remedies that did not work out liver fluch, enemas. Hope to here from you. I am possibly going under the knife in two days if I chicken out it's because I am frightful of going under sadation again and another majer surgery. Bye Chickening out.