Shelley, please do some more research yourself.
Responsible manufacturers of psyllium based products issue warnings like these: You should not use this medicine if you have ever had an allergic reaction to any bulk-forming laxative. You should not use if you have intestinal blockage, severe stomach pain or fever, or rectal bleeding that you don't know the cause of. Do not take this product if you have difficulty swallowing. People with esophageal stricture (narrowing of the esophagus) or any other narrowing or obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract should not take fiber supplements. Make sure your doctor knows if you are taking tetracycline, digitalis, or salicylates (aspirin). You should not use this laxative for longer than 1 week unless approved by your doctor. Patients with a history of intestinal obstruction, fecal impaction, narrowing of the gastrointestinal tract, and those who have difficulty controlling diabetes should avoid psyllium. Yet you happily tell people to take them without asking any questions about the above.
Having a colon flushed with water does not induce “a strengthening peristaltic action”. When an enema is taken, the presence of considerable amounts of water in the colon triggers peristalis. THAT IS NOT THE SAME THING. The end result of too many enemas is that the colon “learns” to expect to be full for peristalis to be triggered. The bowel thus becomes dependent on enema stimulation to eliminate stools.
I have left your comments on saltwater intake to the last, as your perception of why it causes dehydration is ENTIRELY WRONG.
Dehydration due to drinking seawater has absolutely nothing to do with your notion that “They are dehydrated because of the fact that ocean water is too salty to hydrate anyone, it flushes right through you.” That is not true & it is easy to prove that it is untrue, because there are plenty of recorded cases of shipwrecks, in which those who did not drink at all survived and those who drank seawater died or went mad.
The reason people dehydrate from drinking seawater is caused by osmosis. Drinking seawater increases the osmolarity of blood, and causes water to flow from all the other cells in the body into the bloodstream. The cells shrink and, if unable to recover, this causes a range of symptoms from aching limbs, to irregular heartbeat and madness. To compound the problem, the high levels of sodium and chloride ions in the bloodstream, trigger the kidneys to try to reduce them by producing more urine, thus causing further water loss. That is what your saltwater flush does. IT DOES NOT GO STRAIGHT THROUGH PEOPLE.
Please believe me Shelly, drinking salt water is bad for anyone. This will be my last post.