Re: ideal diet and post liver flush symptoms
1. Cleansing in general will cause fast transit times as your body helps you to detox and stay clean. :) So don't worry about it unless the stools get really runny for longer than a day, then you need to back off whatever you're taking/eating that is causing the cleanse effect.
2. Hard to say. A small amount should be okay? Weak digestions can react to different things. I'm mainly concerned about cold and raw foods for you.
3. hey what happened to 3? LOL!
4. Yepperz! Altho I find that direct applications of liquid chlorophyll and plain enemas are more healing than any supplement. Aloe vera juice either direct or drank is also very effective.
5. Not at all. Just double the recommended amount of
Bentonite and very slowly increase the psyllium.
6. Solaray and ... spectrum are manufacturers I trust.
7. Just warm salted water - one tsp per quart, natural
Sea Salt preferably. YOu can also add
Bentonite clay, OR liquid chlorophyll, OR aloe vera, but make these more retention enemas than cleansing, something to retain after flushing with plain saline solution. And if you want to be really ambitious, make some gotu kola tea. This is a great way to help both the colon and the adrenals at the same time.
8. Okay, I'll do a separate post on that. :)