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Re: Surrogate EFT
daizy4 Views: 2,319
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 379,277

Re: Surrogate EFT

Regarding black magic, I too was responding to the original post, asking if one could do surrogate eft. In every energy modality that I have studied, one always asks permission. Your soul, their soul and personality need to be in agreement about the healing. Otherwise, it IS manipulation. Who are we to decide what is best for the person? The only exception is if the person is unconscious....then one asks their Higher Self.

I too am very tired of theological debates and perhaps that is why I don't mix "God's will" with whether or not a person heals. In fact for me, it is not even a debatable issue that God would withhold healing from a son of God. For me, we are all god, having "the kingdom of heaven within".....(it's ALL HERE!!!!) so the Divinity within allows me to access my own healing. In this case, through eft.

I respect your love and caring for people. In fact, there was a time where I saw everything as "God's will." As I moved into a deeper understanding and as one who does healing work, I always remind the client that it is their choice and within their own power to heal. Claiming their own power and not giving it to me, to God, to an herb, a medication, etc. etc....anything outside of themselves. I am not responsible for it and either is God.

On the lighter side, most Christians would not touch eft, thinking it was the work of the devil. So I applaude your openness to the power of energywork.



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