I don't need quotes from Reiki manuals to decide what is OK or not. You're saying that I *should* get permission because someone else told me so? Most healers, well respected or not, are just following old manual rules and etiquette, they're still doing what they think they *should* do. They're doing what they were taught.
Perhaps you could read "The Reconnection" by Dr Eric Pearle, he makes total sense when he says that you don't ever need to ask for permission. Most people are not in touch with their higher self, it's the higher self that will make the decision whether any healing will or can take place. Should someone choose to work on someone else surrogate or otherwise, then their higher self will either allow or block the healing. Read the book, you may get a sense of what I am saying. Newer healing modalities are making some of the old rituals/fear based healing modalities look like a joke.