The way I see it is if it is God's will they will be healed. If it is not or they are opposed to recieveing the benefits of the tapping/prayer then they will not be healed.
If it's "God's will" (presuming God in this case is a biblical figure based on an exclusive religious system), then presumably, why bother with the tapping at all? In this sense, isn't the notion of "god's will" equated to something outside the person, and if so, then theoretically, wouldn't will either happen as intent from this seperate "God" or it won't, irregardless of any tapping?
Now under the unlimited, God is everything mindset, the responsibility to heal is placed squarley on the person. Of course this can be alot of responsibility for many who are used to releasing their power to something outside of themself. :-) Gary says:
"Everyone needs to weigh the pros and cons of all this and make their own decision."