Re: Surrogate EFT
H Steve
"The way I see it is if it is God's will they will be healed"
I ABSOLUTELY agree with you. In fact, I am shocked at the debate and theoretical stuff that has followed your post. I translated that you meant .. "if it's in the best interest of all parties concerned to get some relief from their problems .. let them receive it"
If someone's higher self is open to some healing, then it will happen, if not, healing will be blocked. The permission is there at a spiritual level, we can't always see/understand that and nor can the person/people involved. If it's meant to be, then the channel will be open. To suggest that someone with the best and most loving intentions is using some black magic manipulation method when applying surrogate EFT is ridiculous!
The use of the term "Black Magic" is extreme. That was uncalled for.
Steve, there are no boundaries. Never apologise for being who you are and being full of caring intentions. Those that judge are really judging themselves. Continue to be the mirror of love, in that, you can only do good. Blessings!