19 y
I'm making progress on my weight loss plan, and I'm still feeling pretty healthy. I did
The Master Cleanse for 3 days and lost 8 pounds. I ate yesterday and had a banana and popcorn today and still haven't gained any of it back. I feel like the periodic fasting will be very beneficial, so I'm basically going to keep my calories under 600 a day, while doing cardio 3-4 times a week and pilates (at the suggestion of another poster) 3-5 times a week as well. If I start feeling bad, I'll make sure to fuel my body better, but I think now that I've finally started I'll be okay. I was 175 about a month ago, and I'm down to 155 now, with basically 50% raw most of the time, a lot of slip-ups, and this last 3 day cleanse. I have about 30
pounds to go still, but 2 months to do it in, so I'm feeling good! I just wanted to check in, and I also hadn't seen any recent messages, so I wanted to get the forum active again. Thanks to all of you who gave me such support and great advice! I'll post more as I lose weight.