Shirley...I found some great info for you!
Shirley...If the link below won't let you click...just type in canadian yoda and
read all of his messages. Take special note where he talks about Pau D Arco tea
and Essiac, etc. Devour all of his posts...he is a wealth of information and he's
been there and turned his terminal cancer around.
If I were you, I would order the Pau D Arco tea immediately and get going with it.
He even gives a link on one of his posts...maybe more than one...with just tons of
healing info on Pau D Arco. Hope you'll consider this...and quickly.
I had to edit to add something and it doesn't look like you're going to be able
to click and check out canadian yoda's messages...but just type him in up in the
upper right hand corner and do a search. Read how he cured himself of terminal lots of his messages. Then I hope you will at least try the Pau D Arco. Keep us posted.
All canadian yoda's Messages