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Info for you & Isis msg's are very misguided! UPD

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-2tuff- Views: 11,694
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Info for you & Isis msg's are very misguided! UPD

Always look deeper into some peoples information and messages because most times you can get the wrong picture. Isis likes to throw it around that shes doing this and that but it hasn't done anything yet. What Isis doesn't tell you is that Isis doesn't do juicing for example correctly. Isis has a cheap everyday Juicer which destroys all whats needed for Cancer. juicing needs strict guidelines for serious disease and especially Cancer which needs a press juicer otherwise its almost a waste of time. Now for Cancer treatment with Ozone you really need a high spec Ozone machine like a Plasmafire (Medical Grade). Most people buy little Sota units which are great for preventative and have helped in some more serious diseases but you need to do Saunaing, funneling and if possible insulation etc. So these people in advanced stages complain hey Ozone hasn't cured me. We have to get real here and we also have to realise that the timeframe for cleansing the body can be 2-4 years sometimes less and sometimes more. People need to find out the facts early on. They groan on about misleading confusing information. This is only because they've looked at the wrong sources and only a few sources no matter how long they claim to have studied. I could have studied for a year and stayed totally with the bullcrap or semi-truth sources but that was not the case. If people go the Allopathic route their in big trouble and this is the Isis issue also. The Allopaths have no idea of the human body and health! Diet is the most important thing in health and the fight against Cancer. Disease is all about what goes in your mouth its that simple. You can still suck in pollution daily but if you eat correctly the anti-oxidants etc in the foods can protect the body and rid the body of pollutions quicker etc. Allopathic idiots have even been known to tell patients to eat Ice-cream which is pure refined sugars which Cancer feeds on. Alcohol causes dehydration and Dr Batmanghelidj's work can explain the effects of this which is so important for health. Water is needed in large amounts so either check up on Batman or look through all my Cancer messages. If you ever look at using B17 make sure its quality stuff from Mexico and that you take it as a protocol with Vitamin C etc as it works much better this way. Also don't rely on Apricot kernals as most are useless and the ones with B17 most people can't get the b17 out as it takes endless tiny chewing for eons.

Look into

ENZYME RICH RAW FOODS (Pineapples & Papaya especially)

Then you could also look into MULTIPLE WAVE OSCILLATOR(Lakhovsky) machines. The best version by the creator Dan Dial Body Charger Machine with Cancer information


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