Re: My doctor says I have six to eight months left to live.
Shirley...My heart went out to you last night when I read your post. And still does
this morning. And I'm afraid I'm as rushed this morning as I was last night...but let me give you just a little bit of info.
We all have 'sleeping' cancer cells in our bodies. If we keep our bodies strong
and healthy and do all the right things, those cells remain asleep. But sometimes,
they wake up and cause us nightmares beyond our wildest dreams.
A person goes to the doctor and is diagnosed with cancer...the doctor puts them on
chemo and sometimes radiation...and many times...the cancer seems to go away. The
doctor gives the patient a clean bill of health...and the patient goes right back
to doing the same old things he or she was doing in the first place (diet, etc) and
way too soon...the nightmare is repeated...the cancer returns...THIS TIME...even
stronger and usually in more than one place in the body.
"I" am one of those who believe we were given bodies that would heal themselves if
given the right nutrients. You know, just a couple of generations ago, our grandparents and great grandparents were eating pretty much the same things we're
eating now...meat, potatoes, milk, butter. But they raised their own cattle for their beef, milk, butter...their own chickens for chicken and eggs, their own
vegetables right in their back yard. There were no
additives in anything. They
were not poisoning their bodies at every meal. Life was pure and simple and they
were healthier for it. almost every single meal...we are slowly poisoning ourselves. And then
we wonder why we get sick.
If you were my daughter...and we have a daughter your age...I'd immediately get her
on a natural healing program...I'm partial to the Hallelujah Acres Program...and the website will be listed below.
But I feel at your need personal, one on one help and since you're in
the LA area, I hope you will contact Judy Lindberg McFarland...she has her headquarters in Torrence, Calif...and she will talk with you in person or on the
phone. She charges nothing for her services. She's a strong christian and a wealth
of knowledge. She knows natural healing like the back of her hand. I don't have
the website handy...but just type in Judy Lindberg McFarland and do a search...she'll be easy to find. Her company is called Nutrition Express, I believe. I'm just sure the info is all there on when she will 'see you in person'
or when it's best to call. If again...and I'll find it later...I'm just
swamped this morning.
The Hallelujah Acres website is
Call Hallelujah Acres (1-800-915-9355) and ask for their Back To The Garden magazine...the current issue...which is free...and also ask for past issue #29...
it's their cancer issue...and is just full of testimonials from people who have
cured their own cancers using the program.
You can win this battle, just have to get on a good healing program...
I would also suggest you take Aloe Vera by Aloe Master in Georgetown, Texas...the
capsules will cost you about $30 for can even ask them to have Dr. Lee Ritter to call you back and he will and will suggest just the right dosage for you.
(Probably 2 or 3 caps...3 times a day). Aloe Vera is so very healing...but you need
to be sure you're getting a good one...not one that's watered down. That's why I
order only from Aloe Master.
You're not alone in this...we are always feel free to yell if you have any
questions. kathryn