I really appreciate all your help but I've changed my mind. I called Dr. Huggins office again to see about the referrals and I spoke with Bob who deals with that. He said that there is no fee for a referral and the referred dentist doesn't charge fees either. I also asked him about Dr. Morales being on their list and he is not so I am just going to have to go with my gut feeling on this. I am certainly not saying he isn't good. I just feel more comfortable going to a dentist Dr. Huggins recommends. I still think it's awesome you had such a terrific experience. Bob gave me a referral dentist and I've already spoke to them twice and I think it's going to work out really well. Based on their ballpark figures I estimate I will end up paying around $800 for the dental work, gas for driving and lodging for 2 nights. If I have cavitations then that will be more. If everything works out and my husband can get time off and agrees that I can go, then I plan to go first week in June. They will do work on Tuesday and then finish up on Thursday. Again, thank you for your kind replies. I will post my progress.