Thanks for your interesting approach. I bought Dr Pagano's book a couple of years ago and have since tried some of what he suggests. I've found that if I eat a bland diet, moisturise really well and take milk thistle to cleanse my liver for a fortnight, the skin on my ankles which has been especially troublesome really does start to improve - yes, in just a fortnight! The trouble is sticking to it - and haven't we all heard that before?! I've had p for 14 years although I've got it down to only a few patches now through diet, including cutting out dairy produce that I developed a severe allery too.
Anyway, what I'd really like to ask you all out there is if any of you have the joint problems that can go with Psoriasis - known as psoriatic arthritis, and if you have any suggestions on how to deal with that side. If there's a thread for this one please let me know!