Thanks Gary! I'm interested to even hear of a guy with this. It seemed that everywhere I read they use female case studies. I said to my husband that as women 'seem' to have a greater tendancy towards Sugar abuse(maybe cos of our naturally lower seratonin levels)than men, that maybe that is why more women have this issue. Who knows.
I recently got some celtic Sea Salt and had been craving more salt than usual. I wont be using epsom when I do flush. On the mercury thing. about 4 years ago I wen through this stage of eating a canned tuna fish salad evey lunch time for about 9-12 months! What a silly girl! Didn't know about the mercury thing then or the importance of rotating our diet.I don't know about benzene, but I will look it up. There are too many people who agree with your ND, the toxin thing must have truth.