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Re: thyroid/adrenals/alcohol/liver--my little exp.
peanutbutter Views: 1,569
Published: 21 y
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Re: thyroid/adrenals/alcohol/liver--my little exp.

Thanks so much for sharing your experiences Audrey. I guess in my early twenties(now mid 30's)I abused sugar,caffeine and had major stress. From what I have read they are key triggers. I feel like I have been reading lots in my last 6 weeks of discovering where I am at, though apart from Shelley, have not spoken to anyone with personal experience with this. You do just get so sick of feeling tired and unwell, when you are eating and living like a monk 95% of the time! Another so obvious symptom I left out was that I'm sure I have lost at least 1/4 of my thick long hair that everyone has always commented on. I even started trying on wigs in manhattan with my girlfriends-just in case! Well, kind of kidding there, I was trying on wigs, but I shouldn't loose it all from what I've read. Anyway, it's the not having energy to do anything that is breaking my heart right now. I commend you in being able to manage a family with this! I find it hard with just myself and my husband. And yes, it takes me a couple of days to get over just two glasses of wine these days-whereas ten years ago, oh, I shouldn't even be saying at a health forum how bad I was then!! Thankfully,wine doesn't taste good or appealing to me at present.

So enemas are your's and Shelleys(and everyone elses it seems!!) answer!!! Oh, it just freaks me out a bit. I want a clonic where they will knock me out cold. Geez, this bowel thing is crucial isn't it.... far out, I'll go read the postings on it again...eeek...
Gotta get to sleep, you know that adrenal repair phase timing thing. Gone overtime already.....

Thanks again!
Danielle x


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