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Re: I have been following a candida free program for about 3 weeks
sans sucre Views: 1,368
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Re: I have been following a candida free program for about 3 weeks

Hi Charles,

Thanks for your reply. That is an interesting perspective. I am not sure, but it is something for me to think about. You see, I have a few issues, one is that I am a type 1 diabetic, and a certain amount of protein helps control my blood sugars. The other is, my doc wanted me to do a series of cleanses involving just water and herbal teas and some fruit for 2 days, then on 3rd day I add in veggies of all kinds. Both times I have tried it, I have gotten through 1st day pretty well, but by end of 2nd day - massive thrush all over tongue! Each time I have had to go through die off yet again. And, I was vegetarian before I discovered I had candida, then when diagnosed added in xtra meat on the advice of my nutritionist, and my candida went away. Then, when I began adding in antifungals because I thought it was coming back (did not realize it at the time, but my body was actually detoxing at that point, and I mistook the symptoms for a candida flare, and just hammered my self with waaaaaay too many antifungals, and ended up being perpetually toxic 'cause my liver could not take it. For me, I cannot detox if my liver is too overloaded from detoxing. I know that sounds weird. What I mean is, there seems to be a place where my body "hums" in the sense that just enough but not too much detoxing is going on, otherwise the pathways get all blocked, I remain toxic, and the candida then flares to meet the toxic load. So, in my own personal experience, maybe going w/o large protein when I am detoxing is toooo detoxifying for me (based on your excellent suggestion that it may not be the meat keeping candida away but the lack of meat that is triggering a detoxification in and of itself). It is a fine line with me as it seems I can't detox if I do it too aggressively - it is too much for my phase 2 pathway.


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