Re: thrush????
Very interesting post. One thing I never see anyone referring to on this site is food combining. You know, its where you don't mix carbs with protiens. It is something I do automatically on the candida diet. The theory is that one requires a highly acidic stomach to digest it, the other a more alkaline balance. When protein and starches are mixed in the stomach, the acid and alkaline digestive 'juices' are released simultaneously, thus neutralizing one another, causing putrification of the contents of the stomach, which the stomach eventually pushes through to the intestines undigested and half way rancid.
Long term, of course, this leads to all sorts of stomach/colon/bowel problems, such as acid reflux, constipation, bloating, indigestion etc etc,which I reasoned would conribute significantly to creating the environment so loved by candida and other parasites.
I thought that by sticking to the food combining principles with the candida diet, that my food would be digested fully before leaving the stomach, and make life harder again for candida to thrive.
What does anyone else think?