Re: To anyone suffering candida related chronic fatigue
I'm not sure with me which came first, the candida or the thyroid symptoms. I had no idea I had candida, didn't even know what it was and kept going to doctors for over a year with horrible low thyroid symptoms but couldn't get any help because I tested the the so called "normal" range. About the 6th doctor I'd went to begging and literally on my hands and knees from fatigue by that time diagnosed the severe candida and by that time it had wiped my immune system and I had a massive case of Epstein-Barr.
For me personally, I think it all started when my female hormones got out of whack in 2000, became estrogen dominant, once again couldn't get any help, from there dominoed to the thyroid, adrenal and candida issues.
I really think after this place I'm working with finally gets my female hormones back in balance I think I will be able to come off the thyroid meds, but for now my body has to have the support.