Hi all,
Been on this board for about 18 months now and just wanted to pass along a little info for anyone that has chronic fatigue. It may not all be your candida. I had literally been non-functional for 15 months that I thought was strictly fatigue from the candida. In May I begged my doc to let me try thyroid meds because I had so many of the symptoms but tested normal but the BOTTOM of the range. Within two days I could feel a difference in my energy and I could breathe so much easier.
I have started working with a new medical institute to help me get my entire endocrine system including female hormones back in balance. They checked my adrenals and they were shot and put me on low dose cortisone and I actually feel like a normal functioning human being again.
I just last week had all 10
Amalgams replaced and am doing mercury chelating and feeling really well.
The doc that orignially diagnosed my candida always said my female hormones, thyroid and adrenals were fine from blood tests. The new place tested with 24 hour urine and did some blood work and female hormones are all extremely low, adrenals shot as well as thyroid low functioning.
So, if you think you may have others issues as I have find a competent place to help you. There is no way possible that I could have undergone the
Amalgam removal process just a few months ago because of the horrible fatigue issue. Unfortunately, this mess has a domino effect, it will imbalance everything in our bodies as time goes on. For what it's worth, my two cents.