I think all that stuff is great, but for me, I know it didn't work and only made things so much worse. Before I used this stuff, I was only very mild, just a slight white tongue and exhaustion. Once I started using things pretty heavily, my conditions worsened dramatically. I sware, I thought I was dying. I got tested for everything. Then I finally realized that the stuff that was killing me was all the anti-fungals and regimens I was on. Literally, about two days after I got off this stuff, everything got so much better. I know people say "Oh, it's just die off." But for me, I don't buy it anymore. If anything, this stuff was making me very, very ill. I don't know, maybe some people out there can handle this stuff, but my own physical tests, emotional tests and the doctors kidneys tests clearly showed me I couldn't. That's why I urge people, if it makes you feel worse, stop!