I used Three Lac last year and it worked wonders for me. I was taking 3-4 packets a day and using Oxygen Elements drops in conjunction with it. It basically cured my Candida for the time being and I was fine all summer long. However, I started to develop symptoms again around this past Halloween (undoubtedly from letting my diet get too lax) and ordered some more Three-Lac and O2 drops. The second time around, it didn't do anything for the problem. In fact, I felt super dizzy and spacey every time I used it, which didn't happen the first time. I'm still taking it everyday, but I'm using other supplements at the same time. The dizziness seems to have subsided for the most part. I've spoken to others about this phenomenon and everyone seems to agree that Three-Lac works great the first time but not so great the second time. I don't think it's a bad product; it's just reacts differently to different people's systems. I do feel that taking Oxygen with Three-Lac is very important the product's effectiveness. Are you using both?