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Re: Panic Attacks & Depression, Please help
Owen Views: 2,243
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 272,519

Re: Panic Attacks & Depression, Please help

Dear Brad,

I suggest you give up the non-alcoholic beer, too. I have a friend who took that route. In six
months, he was back to drinking
booze full-time.

You've got to reach your emotional
bottom, and say, "No more." You
asked if I ever had just one drink.
The answer is no. If I knew the
world was going to end in two hours,
I wouldn't drink any alcohol. I made
my peace with that destructive liquid. I've never been tempted,
thank God, and I never will be.

I also suggest you stop hanging out
with a lot of alcoholics and drug-
addicts. I had to give up just about
all of my friends back in 1977, when
I said goodbye to booze. One, because my sober self found them to
be dull and stupid. And two, because
they were uncomfortable being around
my non-drinking self.

You need to write "finis" to ALL of
it. That door has closed. But you
will meet and make lots of new friends. They don't all have to be
non-drinkers. But try to avoid those
whose entire lives are focused on
getting high.

Look into meditation, at some point.
It can give you a sense of tranquility and contentment --
a gentle ongoing high -- that booze
and drugs are incapable of. Listen
to your intuition. Now that you've
renounced booze, your Deep Intuition, the Deva of your Soul.
will be able to communicate with
your conscious mind much more clearly. If anything I've said so far, has given you a little tingle,
THAT'S your intuition asking you
to listen -- and act on it.

Keep us posted on your progress,
Brad. You're in the early days of
what is going to be an increasingly
exciting quest: to regain your health and emotional stability, without resorting to chemical mood-changers. Lots of people, including me, have done it. I sense
that you have the strength and courage and determination to do it,
too. By summer, you'll look at your
old friends -- still lost in their
chemical dreams -- and you'l say,
"Thank you, God, for rescuing me
from that dead-end street. Thank
you, Thank you, Thank you!"

This is going to be a vintage year
for you, Brad. Savor every moment!





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